Goal directed personal development and support for the mental strength needed to face life's challenges.
We all have that little voice inside our heads that says: "you can’t do that, it’s too hard, you’re a failure, you don’t deserve this, you’re ugly, you’re fat, it’s never going to happen, what will others think, you’re not good enough..." and the voice goes on. Many people succumb to these thoughts and to their fear of failure, which results in the development of 'adverse mental health' symptoms that paralyses them and prevents them from taking the steps to positively change their lives and achieve goals,
Learning from someone who has understood how to minimise and control these voices, to control their emotions, control their behaviour, and channel their energy in pursuit of a better life, is a life-changing moment for many people.
Life can be challenging and overwhelming at times, which can make an individual feel inadequate, unhappy, anxious and disappointed. The ripple effect from the pandemic, natural disasters, economic and world volatility and other stressors, have made life challenges even more distressing for many world-wide, which has resulted in an increase in 'adverse mental health', where so many people are suffering from stress, anxiety and depression. ‘Mental Health’ has become a very serious personal, social and economic threat. The Australian Department Government of Health states that almost half of all Australians will suffer from mental health, in some degree during their life (*1). The past few years of life challenges have increased those figures greatly, and as a result, there is a significant probability that all Australians have been affected with a degree of mental health or stress related illness in some way, which directly affects their well-being, their life and their goals.
We all know that if you change nothing ... nothing will change.
This is where life coaching can help!
All individuals have the ability to reflect on life experiences, assess their circumstances and search for the next step, and many turn to life coaching to assist them heal, learn, develop, change and move toward where they want their life to be. Through self-assessment, challenging of thinking, emotions and behaviour, hearing new perspectives and better understanding one's own psychology, coaching can help individuals discover strengths, unlock potential, gain confidence, develop positively serving habits and implement evidence-based strategies to achieve their goals.
Coaching helps individuals understand and manage ‘adverse mental health’ issues that develop in the mind, with targeted programs to assist all people manage stress and anxiety, overcome depression, strengthen their mindset, control their emotions, build resilience, build self-significance, find meaning in their life and personally develop, on their journey towards 'positive mental health' and a strong mindset that can achieve goals. Regardless of who you are, getting support, being inspired and finding practical strategies for immediate application, could be just what you need for things to improve and get you heading in the right direction.
For genuine break-throughs and growth with positive, sustainable results.
D-R-I-V-E is a trademarked coaching model developed by BE UNSTOPPABLE,
enabling coaches and coachees to follow an insightful, systemised approach to coaching.
Ever since the coaching industry began, some four decades ago, many organisations have offered 'coach training' and 'coaching models' for potential coaches to learn and apply with their clients after a short course or 'weekend of learning'. This type of training and these coaching models are fine in application on the surface, however, they are not designed for authentic, internal and sustainable change for the coachee or clients being worked with. Real positive change and sustainable achievements require deep internal break-throughs for the coachees, which can only be achieved through a model that is specifically designed to challenge a coachee's thinking and self-talk, self-set limitations, self-sabotaging behaviour, skill and knowledge required for the achievement of their desires.
Unlike other coaching models, the BE UNSTOPPABLE D-R-I-V-E Coaching Model and methodology goes beyond simple coaching strategies and mentoring techniques. The D-R-I-V-E Coaching Model is designed to achieve long-term results and sustainable success, by teaching the coachee to control their mindset, become aware and change negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, emotional control and break negative behaviour patterns. The model challenges the coachee's FEAR - fear of failure, fear of change, fear of what others think and more, breaking through the fear for heightened self-awareness and control, strengthening the coachee's ability to execute strategies and plans, transforming their lives for the long-term. The coaching model empowers the coachee the lean about their own psychology, enabling them to cultivate 'positive mental health'.
The BE UNSTOPPABLE D-R-I-V-E Coaching Model was developed by the Founder and Director of BE UNSTOPPABLE, based on decades of experience helping and coaching others, coupled with methodology based on research and evidence-based psychological and human behaviour theory, for the ultimate coaching practice.
The BE UNSTOPPABLE D-R-I-V-E coaching model was developed on the foundations of the GROW model (created by Sir John Whitmore in the 1980’s), with the inclusion of psychological and physiological factors that are vital to take into consideration when helping a coachee break-through internal limitations, challenging self-beliefs, old habits, adverse behaviour and external influencing circumstances, arming them with a variety of strategies to include in their created plan to achieve their goals, so that their lives are a product of choice, rather than circumstance.
D-R-I-V-E stands for:
Desire – Reality – Internal Assessment – Various Strategies – Execution
The BE UNSTOPPABLE D-R-I-V-E coaching model begins with the desire (dream or goal), progressing through a series of questioning to prompt thought, insights, increased self-awareness, learning and action steps needed to progress with execution towards the desire. Appropriate, insightful and challenging questioning at each component of the conversation through the D-R-I-V-E model is key for break-throughs and progression for a coachee to work on, helping them cultivate new skills and activate strategies to help them strengthen their mindset and achieve their goals.
The analogy for the D-R-I-V-E model is highly fitting for coaching, as both coaches and coachees can work through a process that allows them to DRIVE in any direction they wish, taking the coachee/s anywhere they want to go, towards their own destination of success, cultivating life-long 'positive mental health'.
Foundational Universal Wisdom For Peak Performance
Coaching sessions with clients can be booked either on a one-on-one basis for personalised coaching or in group coaching sessions. All coaching conversations follow the D-R-I-V-E coaching model and integrate the BE UNSTOPPABLE DRIVERS, to assist individuals develop the understanding and skills needed for 'positive mental health'.
Learn to DRIVE your mind, your emotions, your behaviour and your results. Develop the mental strength and 'positive mental health' you need for a better life!