Cultivating the mental strength and ability to prevent 'adverse mental health'.
‘Positive Mental Health’ is the cultivation of a person’s ability to develop mental strength, resilience, confidence, self-belief, emotional control and a positive life outlook, enabling them to focus on what is in their control and make good decisions to enjoy a healthy sense of well-being, effectively manage life’s challenges and achieve goals. Cultivating 'Positive Mental Health' and mental strength is needed to prevent 'adverse mental health' symptoms and illnesses.

Being kind to ourselves.
Looking after ourselves.
Learning and applying stress management skills and relaxation techniques.
Understanding ourselves
and our
'Human Needs'.
Understanding the 'Forces' within that influence how we think, how we feel and what we do.
Learning to control thinking.
Practicing healthy self-talk.
Focusing and working on
'What is within your control'.
mental strength with the six
Setting exciting, meaningful and motivating goals to work towards.
The personal development gained by the application of the knowledge, skills and strategies that empower an individual to develop mental strength, results in one’s ability to feel more ‘in control’ of their life, decisions and actions, which cultivates ‘positive mental health’. The programs offered by the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION are designed to guide adults and kids through this learning to help them achieve the following:
Self-care: Learning and understanding the importance of being kind to ourselves and how to look after ourselves!
Learning stress management skills to minimise stress developing into 'adverse mental health' symptoms and illnesses.
Learning and understanding how stress effects the body and how to use stress as a motivating force.
Learning and applying many strategies and relaxation techniques.
Understanding ourselves and our ‘Human Needs’.
Learning to effectively meet our human needs in a positive way.
Understanding ‘The Forces’ within that influence how we think, how we feel and what we do (our behaviour).
Learning and applying proven strategies to control the forces, to help make better decisions and achieve better outcomes.
Learning to control and minimise 'negative self-talk', and cultivate the skills to practice healthy self-talk.
Understanding how to recognise what is 'within one's control' and focus on working on that to minimise the feelings of 'loss of control' which is a contributing factor to stress, anxiety and depression.
Developing our mindset with the six BE UNSTOPPABLE DRIVERS – foundational universal wisdom for peak performance and mental strength.
POSITIVE FOCUS - setting exciting and motivating goals to work towards. Learning how to set goals properly, broken down into achievable steps.