Purposefully and Ethically
Helping the Community for Positive Impact
The BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION is a registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) as a Health Promotion Charity.
The Foundation is endorsed with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Taxation Office from 8 Jan 2021 - ABN 14 646 627 796.


Our team genuinely cares about the well-being of the community, working to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

We are purposeful in how we educate and support others. We strategically deliver programs to teach skills that have life-long positive impact.

We understand the power of effectively educating adults and kids with skills that can make a positive difference in their lives.

Every action taken within the operations of the charity, is done ethically, morally and legally right, with the community and stakeholders at the core.
Our Board of Directors
The BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION has a board of six high calibre directors. The directors come with extensive credentials and professional experience , ranging from 15 to 45+ years. The collective knowledge and experience of our directors is an invaluable resource to be shared in order to assist all people, inclusive of mentally and emotionally healthy adults and kids, and vulnerable people with access to high quality mental health educational programs, as well as mental health support.
The Board of Directors are committed to ethical practice, transparency and ongoing improvement in the effective use of all grants, donations and funds the foundation receives. The Board is governed by the Constitution of the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION and appointed for a term of three years, with the option to renew the Directorship term. The Board and team of facilitators and support counsellors, psychologists and coaches, follow clear and comprehensive guidelines, which define responsibilities, expectations and outcomes, in alignment with the foundation's strategic planning and purpose.