The BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION uses information, facts and statistics that are referenced from trusted resources and providers, including The Australian Bureau of Statistics, The Australian Government Department of Health, Professional Medical Experts, Psychologists and Researchers, and Scholarly Extractions. Website URL’s have been provided where applicable.
*1 - Australian Government Department of Health: https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/mental-health
*2 - Shocking teen suicide figures spark calls for immediate action in schools. Published: 24/08/2020 -
*3 – TNS - State of Workplace Mental Health in Australia (2014)
*4 – Australian Bureau of Statistics (2019)
Causes of Death, Australia, 2018: Intentional self-harm, key characteristics, cat. no. 3303.0.
*5 – World Health Organisation
*6 – Mediline Plus
*7 – Australian Bureau of Statistics (2008)
2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results (4326.0). Canberra: ABS
*8 – Australian Government Department of Health
*9 – World Health Organisation
*10 – MentalHealth.gov
*11 – Australian Bureau of Statistics.
National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007 (2008), p 27
*12 – Australian Bureau of Statistics (2019).
Causes of Death, Australia, 2018: Intentional self-harm, key characteristics, cat. no. 3303.0.
*13 – Canberra: Department of Health: Lawrence D, Johnson S, Hafekost J, Boterhoven De Haan K, Sawyer M, Ainley J, Zubrick SR.
(2015). The Mental Health of Children & Adolescents. Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing
*14 – Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2015). Causes of Death, Australia, 2014. Catalogue No. 3303.0. Canberra: ABS.