Helping Big-Kids and Little-Kids develop life-long powerful abilities.
‘Mental Health’ has become a very serious personal, social and economic threat, especially in light of the pandemic, natural disasters and economic volatility impacting all families. This negative ripple effect has filtered down to our kids, dramatically effecting their resilience and wellbeing. The Australian Department Government of Health states that almost half of all Australians will suffer from mental health, in some degree during their life (*1). The combination of recent life challenges have increased those figures greatly, and as a result, there is a significant probability that all Australians have been affected with a degree of mental health or stress related illness in some way.
Lifeline, Beyond Blue, The Black Dog Institute, Kids helpline, The Salvation Army and other amazing ‘helping organisations and charities’ are available to support people’s basic survival physical needs, or supporting mental health to try and prevent self-harm and suicide or offer counselling regarding stress and depression. These organisations are predominantly call centres, where the public has the opportunity to ‘talk’ through their troubles in an attempt to feel supported and receive help regarding their mental state, however, these organisations have had a staggering increase in the number of calls for help, all related to ‘mental ill-health’, highlighting the need for more support and new approaches to mental health management.
Our kids need education with evidence-based strategies to apply skills that develop and nurture psychological strength, and practices needed to achieve consistent ‘positive mental health’. The development of positive mental health is vital for human survival, for well-being, relationships, study and work ethic, social connections and strength of mind needed to progress past any challenge one faces.
On that basis, BE UNSTOPPABLE COACHING has created UNSTOPPABLE KIDS to be part of our range of programs that support the growth, development and cultivation of 'positive mental health' for our precious young humans. Educating, supporting and arming kids with life-long powerful abilities and personal support for a resilient mindset.
*1 - Australian Government Department of Health: https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/mental-health



'Positive Mental Health' and Resilience Program
Delivered In-Person for Sydney Metropolitan Schools
Delivered via Zoom for Regional / Rural Schools
Register now to run this program at your school.
The amazing UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program is designed for Big-Kids (high school age),
with tailored programs to suit school preferences and student age groups, customised for better learning and appeal.
BE UNSTOPPABLE COACHING and the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION are proud to be offering the UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program, to help as many big-kids as possible develop 'Positive Mental Health'. In light of the added stress, disruption to learning, uncertainty and fear caused over the past few years, our kids need to develop a strong and healthy state of mind more than ever.
*Little kids program coming soon.

UNSTOPPABLE KIDS helps Big-Kids develop:
Strategies to prevent 'Adverse Mental Health'
Cultivation of ‘Positive Mental Health’
Stress Management Skills and Resilience Building
Healthy Confidence and Self-Talk
Harnessing Personal Strengths
Increased Self-Awareness
Enhanced Communication Skills with their peers, parents and other significant people.
Goal Setting Skills
And so much more!
The UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program is designed to help high-school kids manage ‘adverse mental health’ (stress, anxiety and depression), resulting from challenging life circumstances. They learn coping strategies, how to cultivate mental strength and ‘positive mental health’ by learning RESILIENCE, confidence, healthy self-talk, self-awareness and communication skills, harnessing personal strengths, learn to set goals and more.
The program helps Big-Kids (targeted to high school grades 7-10), develop a sense of empowerment to make better life choices, learn from their experiences, cope more effectively with challenges, have a strong sense of personal resilience and fighting-spirit through difficult situations and become more self-reliant to work towards life goals.
- The importance of having a fighting-spirit to manage and overcome challenges.
- To be mentally prepared in advance of life’s challenges and adversity, knowing that they can get through this.
- To view set-backs as learning opportunities.
- To believe in their own abilities to deal with stress and challenging circumstances.
- To face their fears and push-through self-limiting fears.
- To have better emotional control and change their emotional state in the midst of adversity/challenge.
- To be internally strong and manage negative self-talk.
- To develop strong habits with conscious decisions towards outcomes they want.
- To learn to be a product of choice, not circumstances.
The UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program is facilitated by Professional Coaches and Certified Counsellors, delivered in-person on school grounds for Sydney metropolitan Schools and online via zoom for NSW regional and rural schools.
UNSTOPPABLE KIDS is facilitated over 10 weeks (one school term), with one hour classes per week, run consecutively in a day to make up the total number of students in a program per week. One program can include 120+ students (the entire selected grade from year 7 to 10). To accomodate schools that have larger numbers of students in one grade, the program can be facilitated with two classes at a time, enabling up to 200 students to be included per program.
Program facilitation can be customised to suit school class times, needs and preferences, while maintaining the emphasis on core content to be learnt.
The UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program provides counselling support, through the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION, to assist students who may need additional help working through challenges. Parent consent is required. Counselling sessions are delivered via zoom or at the school, at a mutually suitable time with the appointed counsellor.
For a list of all evidence based theoretical resources used throughout the program, please contact us.

BE UNSTOPPABLE also provides an opportunity for teachers to develop both personally and professionally by learning about their own psychology and developing skills to manage mental health, while developing mental strength and resilience skills, to help them improve outcomes within themselves and the classrooms. This program is an extraction of the ‘Positive Mental Health’ for Adults program, which is highly valuable for teachers who wish to develop more effective communication and leadership skills, to assist them in improving connection and results in all life areas.

Learn and Understand ...
Mental Health ... how to prevent 'adverse mental health' and how to cultivate 'positive mental health'.
Understanding and managing stress effectively.
Healthy Self-Talk and the importance of developing this skill for resilience.
Taking control of thinking for better decisions and life outcomes.
Managing emotions - to regulate negative emotions and build positive emotions for well-being.
How to overcome fear.
How to have a resilient mindset.
How to build confidence.
Identify and work with your strengths.
How to communicate what you want more effectively, with empathy and assertiveness.
How to lead yourself and others well.
How to set proper goals for now and into the future, for life long achievement.
... SCHOOLS ...
The UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program is offered to schools in the Metropolitan Sydney area, delivered in-person at school. Regional/Rural areas is delivered via zoom workshops.
Facilitation of UNSTOPPABLE KIDS is customised to suit schools.
Schools Please Register Below

Learn and Understand ...
How to have a healthy mind and cultivate 'positive mental health'.
What happens in your head when you feel upset or angry (stressed), and what to do about it to calm down.
Managing emotions - to regulate negative emotions and build positive emotions for well-being.
How to overcome fear.
How to have a strong mind.
How to build confidence.
Identify and work with your strengths.
How to communicate what you want with parents and friends more effectively, with kindness and respect.
How to be a better leader and help others who need it.
How to create steps to achieve what you want ... climb your ladder!
The 'little kids' program is an adapted version
of the 'big kids' program, to suit age appropriate learning needs.

“I have learnt how to control my own mental health and if I am suffering from stress or anxiety, I know how to relax with different methods.”
“The best part of the program is that it makes me feel more in control of my own mental health.”
“I have stopped looking down on myself and have started looking at my positive stuff. It makes me more happy and positive."

Connect with us now!


Support the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION and Help Us Cultivate
'Positive Mental Health' in Adults and Kids
The UNSTOPPABLE KIDS program is offered to schools through the BE UNSTOPPABLE FOUNDATION, to minimise costs to the schools and allow more kids to take part in the program. We need funding and support from all businesses and individuals, to help us deliver these much-needed programs to all people, helping our kids improve their mental health. Help us make a positive difference in the lives of Australian kids. Eligible gift donations are Tax-Deductible.